Google combat spam with change in ranking algorithm

Thursday, April 23rd, 2009

There’s an interesting article in today’s Web Pro News, where Jason Lee Millar suggests that Google are being forced by increasingly embarassing high-ranking spam results to change their ranking algorithm.  The crux of the article is that the web, and the way it’s linked up, is changing rapidly. Things are speeding up, and it seems […]

Using Social Media for the Environment

Wednesday, April 22nd, 2009

It’s EarthDay, and Mashable magazine – an invaluable resource for anyone interested in social networking technology and developments – have a useful article, by Elsa Wenzel, on how various activist organisations are harnessing the power of social networks, either using existing platforms like Facebook, or developing their own dedicated networks. A more extensive list is […]

Using twitter to promote your band

Wednesday, April 22nd, 2009

Many bands starting out have a huge amount of energy and enthusiasm – they want to evangelize and spread the word about how good their band is. The internet revolution has meant that – as opposed to when bands like the beatles, u2, or even nirvana were starting out – bands nowadays have a huge […]

Using twitter in a crisis – two case studies

Tuesday, April 21st, 2009

Two recent events have struck home how useful Twitter can be from the point of view of customer relations, and how poorly it is being used by some companies who should know better. The first was the by-now notorious #amazonfail case, where word got out that Amazon had shunted all Gay Lesbian and Transgender tagged […]

Thoughts from the outset on the Bodu Blog

Thursday, April 2nd, 2009

You can’t constantly keep advising clients that they should embrace blogging and social networks to promote their site if you don’t do it yourself, and so with that in mind Boduweb has decided to start its own blog. Not that we’re new to blogging, having set up countless blogs for different customers – often providing […]