The problem with AJAX and Flash – in terms of google indexing

Monday, June 1st, 2009

There’s a great article by Vanessa Fox over at which, taking its lead from triumphant announcements at the Google I/O conference, discusses the still very real problems some sites have in being effectively indexed and ranked in google and other search engines because of their use of AJAX and Flash – two very useful […]

How do you spell s.e.o?

Monday, May 25th, 2009

I was a little dissapointed listening today to the otherwise excellent SEO Rockstars podcast site-review program, with guest s.e.o. expert Chris Boggs, when Boggs pointed out amongst the failings of one site the fact that they had ‘spelt optimization wrong’  [Chris has been in touch to point out he was actually being ‘tongue in cheek’ – […]

Moving domains – an expert experiments

Monday, May 25th, 2009

Back in April Google guru Matt Cutts decided to move his blog from his domain to another that he owns,, changing host and ip address at the same time. All things that can have an impact on how your website performs both for visitors and for search engines. Now he’s moved it back, […]

Google’s Wonder Wheel

Wednesday, May 20th, 2009

Google are rolling out various search options that, in theory, will change the way you search for things. It’s unclear how widely available they are at the moment, but plenty of people are seeing a small ‘show options’ link at the top of their search results, which opens up  a new page of tools to […]

Matt Cutts is a big fan of Google’s ‘Spellmeleon’ – should you be too?

Wednesday, May 13th, 2009

The head of Google’s web-spam team, Matt Cutts has been talking about some features that are already in google’s search results, though you may not have noticed them. In particular he’s been talking about the google spell-checking features – giving us a glimpse into the internal workings by revealing two different features and their inhouse […]

Understanding some Web 2.0 fundamentals (with the help of Tim O’Reilly)

Thursday, April 30th, 2009

There’s a great conversation up on between Tim O’Reilly – the publishing guru who was at the forefront of coining and defining the term Web 2.0 – which we recommend to anyone who’s thinking about setting up a website.  For those of you who are up to date with online trends and developments it […]

Overoptimistic about Twitter search

Friday, April 24th, 2009

There was an interesting article last month about twitter search, which raises questions for any prospective webmaster – given that search engine optimisation is, rightly, a major concern in the design and upkeep of a site. The article, published in, will have pleased twitter executives as it – with more than a little hyperbole […]

Google combat spam with change in ranking algorithm

Thursday, April 23rd, 2009

There’s an interesting article in today’s Web Pro News, where Jason Lee Millar suggests that Google are being forced by increasingly embarassing high-ranking spam results to change their ranking algorithm.  The crux of the article is that the web, and the way it’s linked up, is changing rapidly. Things are speeding up, and it seems […]